Semenov Research Center of Chemical Physics
Our Center is one of the well-known research centers of the world, studying the dynamics of chemical elementary processes in the various systems and physical states of matter.
In the beginning the Center was established as the Institute by Resolution of the Supreme Council of National Economy of 15 October 1931 announcing the foundation of the Institute of Chemical Physics on the basis of physico-chemical section of the Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute, headed by Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov — then a Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and later an Academician and a Nobel Prize winner.
The Institute was entrusted with a task of "the implementation of physical theories and methods in chemistry, chemical industry and other sectors of the economy".
The performance results show that the Institute had fulfilled this task completely. The main result of the scientific activity of the Institute staff and director N.N. Semenov - creation of a new field of natural science - Chemical physics.